#Charles Francatelli
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lenreli · 1 month ago
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frozu · 1 year ago
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I've watched Victoria for this motherfucker and Ferdinand Kingsley ate season 3. He slays
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huxs-side-part · 11 months ago
You too can get an autographed photo from Ferdinand Kingsley!
I collect signed photos, and this is one of the companies that I've purchased from. It will take a few months to get it because this is a preorder for the Basingstoke Comic Con in May.
I've got my fingers crossed that they'll announce other Sandman actors over the next few days.
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cynthiabertelsen · 3 months ago
To the Queen’s Taste: A Brief Meditation on Written Recipes, Part III
Carrying on our examination of the written recipe and its significance in what usually was an oral culture (in more ways than one) — the kitchen and cooking — it’s time to turn to a nineteenth-century English chef named Charles Elmé Francatelli, who briefly cooked French food for Queen Victoria.*   But before we get to the man of the moment, the meat of the matter, let’s pause for a moment and…
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esteemed-excellency · 11 months ago
24, 26, and 40 too because I hate crushing people's hands so I have to know if Hiram will judge me :(
24. Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
He was definitely the kind of kid who stole cookies, no matter how many times he was told not to!
This question made me take a deep dive into victorian cuisine because I don't know enough about historical cookies to say which kind was popular in the 1840s, and I found two very interesting resources: The Modern Cook (1846) by Charles Elmé Francatelli, and this timeline of biscuits and cookies, complete with historical quotes and recipes
26. How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
This happened to him multiple times just after the Fall, he knew he didn't have any useful skills to help people during an ongoing emergency and even if he responded politely he didn't feel good about himself at all. Eventually his legal expertise was needed again, but by then he got tired of trying to find honest jobs with good bosses.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
He genuinely doesn't mind! He keeps his handshake as neutral as possible on purpose and he would never judge people for something as trivial as that.
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apexpoet · 4 months ago
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who wants to come over and make a pudding made of small birds together ?
from A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes (1852) by Charles Elmé Francatelli
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accused-play · 7 months ago
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Charles Francatelli was Queen Victoria's chef for a time and exhibited a chef's notorious temper. He introduced the chocolate bombe dessert to London society.
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jartita-me-teneis · 9 months ago
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Que mejor manera de rememorar a la reina Victoria, que nació el 24 de mayo de 1819, en el Palacio de Kensington, Londres, Reino Unido hace 205 años, que con ésta fotografía de un trozo de su tarta nupcial de 1840. La tarta de la reina Victoria y del príncipe Alberto de Sajonia-Coburgo y Gotha, una combinación culinaria de tradición y modernidad, constaba de 3 pisos de pastel inglés de fruta confitada y bañada en el licor más caro del país, cuyo perímetro medía unos asombrosos 3 metros y pesaba ni más ni menos que 136 kg. La altitud de la tarta fue una gran novedad, ya que hasta entonces sólo se habían elaborado pasteles de una sólo piso. Algunos historiadores creen, que el aspecto singular se debía gracias al deseo de la reina Victoria de darle un aire francés. Los orígenes del pastel de varios pisos provienen de la Francia pre-revolucionaria, cuando los chefs buscaban cada vez más ostentación para sus obras culinarias. Tras la revolución sin embargo, muchos de ellos huyeron de Francia para refugiarse en Inglaterra, dónde sus estilos y prácticas extravagantes fueron recibidos por las clases altas Británicas con gran entusiasmo. La tarta nupcial de Victoria, elaborada por su jefe de cocina, Charles Emé Francatelli, fue además una de las primeras del mundo en llevar unas figuras en la parte superior del pastel. Una de estas estatuas en miniatura representaba a "Britannia", la personificación femenina de Gran Bretaña, bendiciendo a la pareja real. Pronto figuras como éstas comenzaron a aparecer en tartas nupciales alrededor de todo el país. Sin embargo, el legado más longevo que nos ha brindado la tarta nupcial de la reina Victoria, fue el uso de cobertura blanca para cubrir el pastel entero. El azúcar refinado que se usa para lograr ese aspecto tan icónico, fue extremadamente costoso en 1840, convirtiéndolo en una pieza ideal. Como podemos imaginar, la tarta causó una gran sensación. Impresos detallados de aquel fantástico dulce colgaban en las ventanas de Londres antes de la ceremonia y periódicos los publicaba. A finales del siglo 19 el precio del azúcar bajó, por lo que era el momento para la clase media de poder gozar al fin de las famosas tartas altas. Gracias a la longevidad del bizcocho de fruta confitada y a la larga tradición de proporcionar trozos de la tarta nupcial a los invitados en cajitas elegantes como recuerdo, hoy en día aún existen rastros de aquella única creación culinaria, que fascinó a todo un país, cambiando la historia de la repostería para siempre.
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rmelster · 4 months ago
The other half of the issue is that people don’t really know much about English cookery, which leads them to assume the average English citizen eats, per day, a hearty English breakfast, tea and fish n’ chips. That is a mistake I myself fell some time ago; but upon reader aching further books like Isabella Beeton’s Book of Cookery and Household Management, Alexis Soyer’s The modern housewife or Menagérè and Charles Elmé Francatelli’s The Modern Cook, for the writing of my book (set in 19th century England), I realised that English cuisine is neither scarce in its ingredients nor in its tradition.
Other people about English food: Ew, so basic, so mid, so predictable, like the English *start Anglophobic discourse*
Me looking at English pastry: I dreamt of you last night.
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lenreli · 11 months ago
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issylra · 2 years ago
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issylragold · 2 years ago
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Ferdinand Kinglsey in Victoria (Season Three)
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imgoingtofreakoutnow · 2 years ago
After watching The Sandman and falling completely in love with Hob Gadling and Ferdinand Kingsley, I've jumped into Victoria without a second thought after finding out that our beloved Ferdie starred in it.
I have now finished the first season and, apart from really liking the show, my mind has slowly been creating this AU in which Charles Francatelli, the character Ferdinand plays in Victoria, is actually one of Hob Gadling's alter egos through the centuries.
There is quite a resemblance between the two characters' personalities and there have been a couple of scenes that made me scream: "Omg, this would be such a nice parallel with the Sandman!"
So here's my essay:
Warning: there will be Victoria S1 and The Sandman S1 spoilers
Firstly and foremost, I have to aknowledge the obvious: they're both golden retrievers. This is quite an easy one, but both of the characters are so kind and genuine and have an incredible joy for life, from what I was able to see, that you simply cannot love them immediately!
In Victoria, Francatelli is a great chef. Like, an incredibly good chef. And it would makes sense that Hob Gadling, an immortal who must have lived thousands of lives, might have become incredibly good at many things, cooking being one of it.
Francatelli, as a chef, is always looking for new flavours and combinations and he's delighted when Nancy, a dressmaker he then falls in love with, suggests adding something to enhance his already great work. And this love for novelty really reminds me of another character we all know...
This love for new things is also shown when he shows Nancy (yes, I will talk a lot about her, so what?) the ice they have in the palace and you can tell he's so happy that he can show her something unexpected and new (just as Hob was so passionate when telling Dream about all those changes he had witnessed in 1489)
In episode 1x06 of Victoria, Francatelli quite literally faces the indian plague in the London slums to go rescue Nancy's cousin and her baby and he puts them in a better accomodation. Now, his gesture alone makes him a brave man that we know Hob already is, but also it would make sense that Hob Gadling, a man who cannot die, would go in a place like that to help someone else (even if it is to impress the woman he loves)
Still in 1x06 of Victoria, after helping her, Francatelli asks Nancy for something in return, and what does he wants, I hear you ask? Her FUCKING NAME! When I tell you I screamed at that scene because a) OMG, THIS MAN IS THE MOST ADORABLE CUTIEPIE THAT I'VE EVER SEEN ON TELEVISION WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT REAL??? b) obviously Hob Gadling, who's spent the last 400 years meeting with and crushing on a stranger who never revealed his name, would want to know first thing first the name of the person he's falling in love with!
In 1x07 of Victoria, Francatelli prepares a dinner date and a special dessert for Nancy (he literally creates it just for her!) and, apart from the fact that all that scene is just so. freaking. adorable!, all I could think of was Hob and the big feast he arranged to impress Dream in 1589. This man really read somewhere that "the quickest way to your crush's heart is through their stomach" and blindly believed it.
The fact that we know close to nothing about Francatelli's backstory lets my mind wonder... we just know that he worked his way to get where he is and that he comes from a lowly background, which could easily apply to Hob (quick reminder, I'm still in S1, so they might delve into Charles' backstory more in future seasons)
Also, very small detail, but Francatelli says at some point that "he never forgets a face" and, I don't know, I feel like Hob could have a good memory for people. Remembering those he met and lost along the way; friends, family, lovers and so on...
These are my main thoughts for now. I will add more as they come to me and as I watch more seasons (I've already spoiled myself quite a bit of the third season and GOD!, there are some good and painful parallel right there!)
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my ramblings! :D
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oswincoleman · 3 years ago
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Jenna Coleman and Ferdinand Kingsley in Victoria (as Queen Victoria and Charles Francatelli), and in the upcoming show The Sandman (as Lady Johanna Constantine and Hob Gadling).
Coincidentally, these two settings are only 65 years apart (1854 and 1789)!
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stardust-pond · 6 years ago
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“I should have married you sooner.” 
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templehill · 6 years ago
Victoria and why sub plots do actually matter to the audience
contains huge spoilers…. Here are the things you would never know if you had only started watching Victoria in season 3
Prince Albert has a brother - yes i know right? Prince Ernest who spent so much time in series 1 and 2 at the English court he practically lived there is now barely mentioned even though one of the major story arcs for series 1 and 2 was his doomed love for Harriet Sutherland who was mistress of the robes in season 1 and one of Victoria’s inner circle. Harriet too has also fallen victim to the Bermuda Triangle lurking at the heart of Buckingham Palace as she too has disappeared completely never to be mentioned again. It has also swallowed up the Duchess of Bucchleuch, Victoria’s stereotypical vinegar tongued posh old lady with a secretly kind heart (oh spare me that trope forever please) who was Victoria’s mistress of the robes after Harriet. Alfred is gay - yep, series 1 (quietly gay in the background) series 2 (massively gay in the foreground with his beloved Drummond) is now well frankly just doing reaction faces in the background and the gay is clearly never to be mentioned again he’s also apparently married - again if you had just happened on season 3 you’d think he was a single guy about court 
but then that’s because Miss Coke has also fallen into the Bermuda Triangle at court aka is apparently in the country having had baby Paget which you’d only know if you’ d listened to the podcast as it wasnt mentioned in the show. Now while I am hugely glad to have been spared Alfred going full het, its pretty galling that after breaking our hearts with Drumfred and then the tone deaf proposal to Wils (who amongst us hasnt proposed whilst holding a locket containing our dead lovers hair we’d been given 30 seconds earlier amirite?) Daisy cared so little about the ship she had created she couldnt be bothered to see it through. I mean at least break my heart for something that lasted beyond the next 15 minutes Daisy! and talking of heartbreak, Mrs Skerrett is dead. Yes after again 2 series and 3 episodes of building the Skerrett Francatelli romance, Nancy is dead about 5 minutes after finally getting married and Mr Francatelli it seems will not feature much or at all in the show again. 
Instead we’re meant to emotionally invest in shipping the duchess and the footman, 2 characters we’ve known for about 30 seconds. Could be possible….maybe…..but you know why on earth would we? what we know is that Victoria is basically Game of Thrones aka everyone dies or disappears except Vicbert. So we might be tempted to care about Sophie and Joseph but why would we make the effort when we know full well given daisy’s track record that one or both of them will die or disappear never to be mentioned again. 
It doesnt matter how strong the central relationship is between Victoria and Albert, the audience have to care about the people around them too. If Daisy as a writer cares so little about her minor characters, why should we? and once that happens people start to think, why should I watch? and that’s when ratings tumble….
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